Estimating the completeness of mortality certification in Colombia using data from the 2018 National Population and Housing Census




Completeness, mortality, estimation methods, cancer, Colombia


Objective: To describe the estimation of the completeness of mortality certification in Colombia and evaluate the impact of its use in the correction of cancer mortality.
Methods: Microdata from the National Data Archive (ANDA) of DANE corresponding to the CNPV-2018 death form were analyzed. The percentage of mortality certification in Colombia according to sex, age group and regions was described. Mortality recorded by DANE for the period 2012-2016 was corrected for the inverse of completeness. The impact of the correction was evaluated in five scenarios.
Results: The overall completeness of mortality certification for Colombia was 88.9%. In regard to age group, the lowest completeness was in children under 5 years of age (51.8%). There are large differences in mortality completeness by
region, with higher figures such as in Valle (93.9%) contrasting with the low figures for La Guajira (38.6%). The scenario that made more specific corrections according to location was considered by applying a specific completeness for each department, sex, and age group (8.2%).
Conclusion: The possibility of analysis allowed by the information derived from the CNPV-2018, by discriminating the completeness of general mortality and cancer mortality, according to sex, age groups and regions, allows much more precise corrections of mortality, and consequently much better estimates of cancer incidence.


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How to Cite

Cendales, R. and Pardo, C. 2022. Estimating the completeness of mortality certification in Colombia using data from the 2018 National Population and Housing Census. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 26, 3 (Sep. 2022), 314–325.


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