Cancer incidence estimates in Colombia: Importance of data sources in the obtention of estimation numbers


  • Marion Piñeros Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Raúl Hernando Murillo Instituto Nacional de Cancerología


incidence, neoplasms, epidemiology, Colombia


Objectives: to estimate cancer incidence in Colombia and to compare the different estimates obtained when variations in the adjustment for under-registration of mortality and different cancer registries are used in the model.
Materials and methods : based on 1995-1999 mortality and the incidence/mortality ratio calculated by fitting a log-linear model, two different processes were used to estimate cancer incidence in Colombia (17 sites). Process 1 included incidence data from three Latin American cancer registries. Process 2 included incidence data from the Cancer Registry of Cali (Colombia). Both methods adjusted under-registration of mortality data by using district level indicators and country indicators. Validation was made applying the methods for two Colombian cities that have population-based cancer registries (Cali and Pasto).
Results: the national cancer incidence obtained through process 1 was 223.3/100,000 in males and 218.3/100,000 in females. Cancer incidence found through process 2 was 213.7/100,000 in males and 212.9/100,000 in females. The calculated incidence was higher whenever underregistration mortality data were adjusted by using district level indicators, and it was closer to the incidence reported by Colombian cancer registries when calculation was based on national data.
Conclusions: incidence estimations are a valuable method the absence of primary information provided by population-based cancer registries. Differences between the adjustment of primary data and the information sources can yield important differences in the final results of estimates. This highlights the importance of describing accurately the sources of data as well as of taking into account regional differences.

Author Biographies

Marion Piñeros, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, Subdirección de Investigaciones

Raúl Hernando Murillo, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, Subdirección de Investigaciones


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How to Cite

Piñeros, M. and Murillo, R.H. 2004. Cancer incidence estimates in Colombia: Importance of data sources in the obtention of estimation numbers. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 8, 1 (Mar. 2004), 5–14.


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