Disability adjusted life years associated to tobacco attributable diseases in Colombia


  • Nicolás Pérez Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Carolina Wiesner Instituto Nacional de Cancerología


Tobacco, DALY, socioeconomic factors, Colombia, Tobacco Industry, Health Public


Introduction: Tobacco industry argues that this product constitutes an important pillar for the economy of the countries. As a consequence, it is frequent that governmental authorities feel fear when they have to implement effective measures for tobacco control. In this paper we estimate the national income loss for some tobacco-attributable diseases according to their disability adjusted life years (DALY) in order to contribute with useful information to the legislative debate towards tobacco control.
Methodology: We use the data obtained by the Ministry of Health in 1995 and international information on the tobacco-attributable fraction of lung cancer (80%), coronary heart disease (30%), chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (80%), and cerebrovascular disease (30%). In order to estimate the income loss due to these causes we multiply the number of DALY by the per capita gross national product.
Results: In 1990 we lost 187,900 DALY, due to diseases associated with tobacco consumption, an amount which increased 37% in five years. Coronary heart disease explains the highest number of DALY. Its frequency is followed by chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, cerebrovascular disease, and lung cancer. Women and adults older than 44 years report the highest burden of tobacco-associated diseases.
Conclusions: In the year 2000, Colombian national income loss due to tobacco-associated diseases was US$422.000 millions. This amount is four times the sum of the total pay for agricultural jobs generated in tobacco crops and tobacco industrial jobs and the income due to national tobacco taxes. Because of these reasons, the Colombian government has to implement effective measures for tobacco control, as higher taxes and tobacco publicity prohibition.

Author Biographies

Nicolás Pérez, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, E.S.E., Grupo de Gestión y Planificación de Programas de Prevención, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.

Carolina Wiesner, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, E.S.E., Grupo de Gestión y Planificación de Programas de Prevención, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.


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How to Cite

Pérez, N. and Wiesner, C. 2004. Disability adjusted life years associated to tobacco attributable diseases in Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 8, 3 (Sep. 2004), 21–27.


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