An Exploratory Study of the Psychological and Social Effects of the Human Papilloma Virus Test


  • Carolina Wiesner Ceballos Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Jesús Acosta Peñaloza Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Adriana Díaz del Castillo Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Sandra Tovar Murillo Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Hernando Salcedo Fidalgo Universidad Externado de Colombia


Uterine cervical neoplasma, psicosocial aspects, DNA probes, HPV


Objective: To present the psychological and social effects of DNA and HPV exams among women resident in Bogotá; and, the means by which physicians communicate risks to patients. Ten, semi-structured interviews were carried out among women who underwent HPV-DNA examination. Simultaneously, two focus groups were set up: one with general practitioners and the other with gynecologists. Content analysis took place.
Methods: Qualitative study with a phenomenological perspective. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with women who underwent HPV testing. Two focus groups were carried out with gynecologists and medical practitioners. A content analysis was performed.
Results: Psychosocial impact has been classified into three categories: emotional; sex life and partner relationship; and, behavior. A model was designed to measure the magnitude of the effects of these determinants. This model is based upon the form and content of the information provided by physicians and by women´s biographical data. The effects encountered included: anxiety, rage, shame, guilt, panic at delayed results, fear of cancer, and fear of sexual relations.
Conclusions: The reasoning to undergo examination should not be based upon fear, but rather on knowledge of infection symptoms and the conviction that the examination is beneficial. Thinking about risk trajectories should play a relevant part in the communication process based on the concept of concerted decision-making.

Author Biographies

Carolina Wiesner Ceballos, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Bogotá, Colombia.
Universidad Externado de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.

Jesús Acosta Peñaloza, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Bogotá, Colombia.

Adriana Díaz del Castillo, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Bogotá, Colombia.

Sandra Tovar Murillo, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Bogotá, Colombia.

Hernando Salcedo Fidalgo, Universidad Externado de Colombia

Universidad Externado de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Wiesner Ceballos, C. et al. 2009. An Exploratory Study of the Psychological and Social Effects of the Human Papilloma Virus Test . Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 13, 3 (Sep. 2009), 145–156.


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