Scientific production of the research lines and its contribution for the control of cancer in Colombia


  • Martha Lucía Serrano Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • José Alexander Carreño Dueñas Instituto Nacional de Cancerología


Neoplasm, Biomedical research, Scientific and technical publications, Research group, Research and Development Project Indicators


Introduction: In 2007, the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INC) of Colombia carried out an exercise by defining eight lines for research, which included topics for focusing on cancer research in Colombia, as well as setting out to prioritise certain topics to investigate.
Objective: To evaluate the productivity of these cancer research lines in terms of the training of human resources and the quantity of published scientific articles.
Methods: After defining the key words, a search was made in the ScienTI platform of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia (Colciencias), up to a cut-off date of July 2013, in order for identify scientific productivity of groups, institutions, projects, and products for each cancer research line.
Results: Cancer Biology was the most consolidated line with the most researchers, groups, projects and products, both in absolute numbers as well in ratios adjusted for number of groups involved. Diagnosis and treatment, although it registered the highest number of groups involved, it had an adjusted productivity lower than other lines. The two least developed lines were Oncology services and updating cancer policy.
Conclusion: The fact that research lines have so many differences in their consolidation process in Colombia means that there are some lines need designs and strategies that may strengthen them. This requires actions involving the management of knowledge and technology, as well as the training and development of human resources.

Author Biographies

Martha Lucía Serrano, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Grupo Área de Investigaciones, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D. C., Colombia

José Alexander Carreño Dueñas, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Grupo de Investigación Clínica, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá D. C., Colombia


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How to Cite

Serrano, M.L. and Carreño Dueñas, J.A. 2016. Scientific production of the research lines and its contribution for the control of cancer in Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 20, 4 (Dec. 2016), 167–174.


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