Opportunistic screening for cervical cancer in Bogota: Case study at the Centro de Prevencion y Diagnostico temprano (CPreD) of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia- Colombia





primary prevention, screening, uterine cervical neoplasms


Objective: Screening has been shown to be an effective strategy in reducing the incidence and mortality from cervical cancer. Opportunistic screening is an alternative for women who, on their individual initiative, wish to access screening
tests. The objective of this study is to describe the results of the opportunistic screening program for cervical cancer offered at the CPrED of the National Cancer Institute, Bogotá-Colombia. Methods: Case study that included women cared for in the institution between February 2018 and March 2020. The program is presented by components, including target population, screening tests and indicators of opportunity in care. The information was obtained from the systematized clinical history and from the center’s database. A univariate analysis of the information was carried out in the statistical program SPSS 2.1. Results: 1108 women from 26 departments of Colombia were attended through opportunity screening. As a primary
screening test, a cervical cytology was performed on 173 women (15,6%), and a DNA-HPV test on 935 (84,4%) users. In the study population, 9 cases (0,8%) of CIN II-III and 3 cases (0,3%) of invasive cervical carcinoma were detected.
Regarding the indicators of opportunity, for screening-colposcopy it was 27(21,0-33,7) days, colposcopy-biopsy report 7,5 (6,0-12,5) days and biopsy-conization 24 (8,0-36,0) days. Conclusion: The CPreD implemented an opportunistic screening program supported by the INC that showed the difficulties that women in the country have in accessing organized programs defined by the insurers to which they are affiliated.


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How to Cite

Puerto, D. et al. 2022. Opportunistic screening for cervical cancer in Bogota: Case study at the Centro de Prevencion y Diagnostico temprano (CPreD) of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia- Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 26, 3 (Sep. 2022), 294–305.


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