Cross-cultural adaptation of the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale for its use in Colombia


  • Fabio Alexander Sierra Matamoros Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE
  • Ricardo Sánchez Pedraza Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE
  • Claudia Irene Ibáñez Antequera Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE


Spirituality, Questionnaires, Cross-cultural, comparison


Objective: To make a cross-cultural adaptation of the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale for its use in Colombia.
Method: Permission was obtained to use the scale and the stages of the EORT Corganization were followed: direct and independent translations of the Scale by two native Colombian Spanish speaking translator. A preliminary version was obtained from these two versions, followed by independent back-translations of the Scale by two native English speaking translators, a review of the process by the author of the Scale, as well as including suggestions, and finally the performing of a pilot test.
Results: The direct translations were similar as regards the instructions, response options, and 11 of the 16 items of the Scale. Four of the items required a consensus meeting to choose the best translation option. The back-translations were similar between themselves and with the original version of the Scale. The author suggested some more suitable terms in 6 items after clarifying the intention of the item. These suggestions were included in the preliminary version of the Scale . In the pilot test , performed with cancer patients , no  dificulties in comprehension were observed, nor confusion or discomfort. No new paraphrasing was suggested.
Conclusion: There is now a version of the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale in Colombian Spanish to be subjected to a validation study prior to its use in the evaluation of the spiritual experiences in the clinical and general population.

Author Biographies

Fabio Alexander Sierra Matamoros, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE, Bogotá, Colombia

Ricardo Sánchez Pedraza, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE, Bogotá, Colombia

Claudia Irene Ibáñez Antequera, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE

Instituto Nacional de Cancerología ESE, Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Sierra Matamoros, F.A. et al. 2013. Cross-cultural adaptation of the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale for its use in Colombia. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 17, 4 (Dec. 2013), 149–157.


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