Perceived quality of life and satisfaction with health care received in a group of terminal cancer patients receiving palliative care in a hospital in Zaragoza, Spain


  • Estela Hernández-Bello Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa
  • Manuel Bueno-Lozano Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Paola Salas-Ferrer Servicio de Urgencias y Emergencias 061
  • Manuel Sanz-Armunia Centro sociosanitario de alta resolución


Quality of life, Palliative care, Cancer, Satisfaction, EORTC


Background and objective: The aim of this study is to determine the perceived quality of life of terminal cancer patients receiving palliative care, and the influence of health care satisfaction in the quality of life of these patients. EORTC scales were used to collect this information.
Patients and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 47 terminal cancer patients on palliative care in the Oncology Unit of the «Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa», Zaragoza (Spain), during February, March and April 2014. The quality of life and the satisfaction with the health care were evaluated using the EORTC QLQ C15-PAL and EORTC INPATSAT32 questionnaires.
Results: The participants had a mean age of 64 years, and included 57.4% males. All participants had a main support person, being their partner in 74.5% of cases. The most frequent diagnoses were lung, breast and colon cancer. Patients considered they had a good quality of life with a mean of 51.77 points, calculated with EORTC QLQ C15-PAL questionnaire. The satisfaction with health care, calculated with EORTC INPATSAT32, showed a good satisfaction with the medication and nursing care, as well as with the services and organisation, with 57.88, 57.54, and 52.2 points, respectively. In general, patients were very satisfied with the health care provided, with a mean score of 83 points.
Conclusions: The patients obtained a good quality of life, and they were very satisfied with the health care in general, although there was no relationship between the two.

Author Biographies

Estela Hernández-Bello, Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa

Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Zaragoza, España

Manuel Bueno-Lozano, Universidad de Zaragoza

Departamento de Fisiatría y Enfermería. Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, España

Paola Salas-Ferrer, Servicio de Urgencias y Emergencias 061

Servicio de Urgencias y Emergencias 061, Aragón, España

Manuel Sanz-Armunia, Centro sociosanitario de alta resolución

Centro sociosanitario de alta resolución, Fraga, Huesca, España


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How to Cite

Hernández-Bello, E. et al. 2016. Perceived quality of life and satisfaction with health care received in a group of terminal cancer patients receiving palliative care in a hospital in Zaragoza, Spain. Revista Colombiana de Cancerología. 20, 3 (Sep. 2016), 110–116.


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